i need to figure things out.
i have no idea where i'm going in life. and i guess that's okay. yeah..okay if i plan on living with my parents the rest of my life. gross. that's definitely not going to happen. well..at least i hope not. i just need to figure out life and i'll be all set. but that's neverr going to happen. remember when i said i was going to figure out a plan? i didn't. i just played pokemon. i'm going to turn into a pokemon..
but that's besides the point. i'm going to start being healthy. like eating good food instead of junk. oh, and no more pop. i have a least 88 ounces of pop a day. every week day. that's really bad.. and poptarts. they're my favoritee. no more of those. on the plus side, i haven't had any fast food since likee, wednesday. and that's reallyy good considering i used to eat it everyy day for lunch. i'm an unhealthy person..
oh! i also decided i'm not going to wash my hair for this week. since it's like spring break week, and there's only four days. sounds good to me anyway..
i want to start playing my ukulele a lott. hm..i think it needs a name.. lele sounds good. scratch that, i want to start playing my lele a lott. all my guitars are at my church. well..except one, and a string is broke on that one. bad news bears. anyway, i need to expand musically. so later i think i'm going to start playing piano all the time again. i really want my keyboard back from my church so i don't have to use one of the pianos upstairs. my parents can hear that ya know..
geezz..i'm running out of things to blog about. maybe if i just don't blog for a reallyy long time, then things will just start to come to me. i think that's a wonderful idea. on thatt note, this is the last blog i'll be doing for some time. so enjoy it a wholee lot. thanks.
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