i'm stuck.
have you ever done something, then thought about it and realized it probably wasn't too good of idea? that was a stupid question..of course you have. sometimes i just feel like i'm all alone. and it's stupid for me to think that, because there are so many people that are willing to listen. you know, maybe it'll work out, but maybe it won't. and maybe things will get back to how they were, but maybe they won't. and maybe, just maybe, everybody can get along; but probably not. hm.
on a different note; with the play being over, i really don't know what i'm going to do. i guess i'll just be chillin' at home a lot. in the basement. maynn, that's boring. i'm going to miss people so much. damn..i hate getting close to people. but i decided that i absolutely love it when my voice cracks cracks on stage. i mean, most people would think it's embarrassing, but i think it's awesome. especially while i'm singing. hah. i don't know..it just makes me think a lot more about what i'm doing. and that seems weird. it's hard to explain i guess.
i feel like my other blog made it seem like i'm not a christian..don't get me wrong, i am. i just don't see a point in church. i mean, it's not bad..it's just not for me i guess. i feel like people are going to take that wrong..but i don't really care. i'm not in the mood to type a big paragraph about religion, so i'll end it here.
lately, i've been listening to a lot of live music. live acoustic music. and i really really like it. it's like that's how the artist really feels. like it's where the song all started. plus there's usually so much more emotion. and i believe songs aren't songs without emotion. if that makes any sense. but i hate it when bands start out acoustic, then add drums and electric guitars, and all this fancy jazz to try to fit in. they should just stay unique.
oh, also..i've been thinking a lot lately. thinking about how i need a plan. and how i just can't go through life without any direction. so today is going to be spent thinking of a goal, or something like that.. hm. i'll let you know how that goes.
i didn't go to church today.
paulio..i don't know what i'm going to do with drama being done either. i'm going to miss sitting in the auditorium for 45 minutes after rehearsal lets out. <3 youuuu bff!!1